「最有創意演繹獎」 Most Creative Entry Award
Presents the song in the most creative and refreshing way.
Clarisse Fong – Children, Come to Me! 孩子們,到我跟前來!
「最具福傳潛質獎」Best Evangelist Award
Most effectively presents the meaning of the song and spreads the message of God’s love.
Dream Achievers Band – Musicians with Autism
「最富娛樂性獎」Most Entertaining Entry Award
Presents the song in an entertaining and fun way.
Sylvester Ho – My Song
「家庭最佳演繹獎」 Best Family Presentation Award
Demonstrates harmony and cooperation among family members.
Yahweh Power – Shower of Heavenly Love
「 終極大獎 」 Best of the Best Award
Received the highest votes for the Most Creative Entry Award, Best Evangelist Award and Most Entertaining Entry Award
Clarisse Fong – Children, Come to Me! 孩子們,到我跟前來!
《生命恩泉》慈善大獎 FLL Charity Award
The top fundraiser among the FLL Theme Song Contest contestants in the FLL “Walk with God” team at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon 
Ellen Lau @ Chunkies – FLL Theme Swing

【重溫】優異作品 Entries

1) Shower of Heavenly Love

2) Musicians with Autism

3) A moment in time

4) FLL theme swing

5) “My Song”

6) Children, Come to Me! 孩子們,到我跟前來!

7) 麵包的故事

8) 愛的恩泉 – 由家庭開始伸延

投票截止日期/Voting ends: 11/16/2020
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