《生命恩泉》(香港) – 籌款配對款項
Fountain of Love and Life (Hong Kong) – Matching Fund
Fountain of Love and Life (Hong Kong) has a matching fund of $200,000 (HKD)! Donations in Hong Kong dollars will support the operations of the FLL Hong Kong team.To donate in Hong Kong dollars, please visit https://hk.fll.cc/donation.
《生命恩泉》電視及電台製作 / 資源及媒體中心:
多年來,除了背後一班默默耕耘的義工和同工外,亦有賴每一位善長,大家同心合意, 共負傳播福音的使命,令《生命恩泉》茁壯成長,結出果實。
我們誠意邀請您和您的家人及朋友一同參與這個全新模式,突破地域界限的節目,慶祝《生命恩泉》15週年這個里程碑 !
Fountain of Love and Life is15 Years Old!
Looking back at the past 15 years, FLL has produced numerous TV and radio programs, online spiritual resources, laity formation programs, etc., bringing the Good News to Chinese around the world and nourishing the faith of Christians to equip them to be witnesses for Christ.
Over the years, many dedicated volunteers, staff and supporters work together to advance the mission of FLL to evangelize the world, making FLL flourish and bear fruit.
We sincerely invite you, your family and friends to join us at this event which transcends geographical boundaries to celebrate the 15th anniversary milestone of FLL!